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Safeguarding Adults (CSTF Levels 1 & 2)

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The content of this course has been verified by Skills for Health as aligning to the UK Core Skills Training Framework.
It is everyone's responsibility to protect vulnerable people from harm, ignorance or the acceptance of bad practice is abuse, as an employee it is vital you understand the correct path to take to report safeguarding concerns so they are dealt with quickly and effectively. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate abuse and live a life free from harm.
If you would like to see how our Elearning platform works before purchasing, click on the ‘try before you buy’ button below and you can try a full length Elearning module, completely free of charge!

- Definition of a Vulnerable Adult & Abuse
- Overview Care Quality Commission
- Key Principles in safeguarding
- Regulations
- Who's at risk
- Who's likely to abuse
- Contributory Factors to abuse
- Characteristics which increase and decrease the risk of vulnerability
- Types and signs of abuse - Physical, Sexual, Psychological, Neglect, Discriminatory, Financial and Institutional
- Forced Marriage
- Honour Based Violence
- Radicalisation & its indicators
- Person centred Care Dignity & Respect
- Reporting abuse Alerting & Whistleblowing
- Information Sharing & Multi Agency Working
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Refusing assessments
- The Mental Capacity Act
- Be aware of relevant legislation, local, national policies and procedures which relate to safeguarding adults
- Understand the term safeguarding adults, the factors which feature in adult abuse and neglect (inclusive of Radicalisation) and how to keep the adults safe.
- Understand the importance of sharing information with the relevant agencies and maintaining accurate, complete and up to date records.
- Understand the importance of dignity, respect and person-centred care within a healthcare setting and how this can be promoted or undermined.
- Know and explain what to do if abuse of an adult is suspected; including how to raise concerns within local whistle blowing policy procedures
- Be able to support service users and carers to understand safeguarding issues to maximise their decision making and consider risk when exercising choice and control
- Know the purpose of Safeguarding Adults investigations, the thresholds to responding and the requirements for gathering initial information.
- Be able to respond to safeguarding alerts / referrals, secure best evidence and use emergency systems to safeguard adults.
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of multi-agency working
- Know the actions to take if you experience barriers in alerting or referring to relevant agencies, implementing protective strategies for those that decline services
When you have finished this Elearning course, a PDF certificate will be available straight away, that can be downloaded and printed for your records.
Each course contains multiple-choice questions and interactive exercises that you’ll need to complete in order to show your understanding of the material and pass the course. Your certificate will be valid for 1 year.

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