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Medication Administration and Drug Calculations (HSG)

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It is strongly recommended that users must complete classroom training first before undertaking this E-Learning refresher course.
Click here to view our classroom Medication Administration training course.
Medication administration is an essential and key area of user/patient care. Healthcare workers are not only responsible for the safe delivery of medication but also upholding dignity, encouraging independence and respecting choices the service user/patient makes.
If you would like to see how our Elearning platform works before purchasing, click on the ‘try before you buy’ button below and you can try a full length Elearning module, completely free of charge!

- Legislation
- The 8 rights of medication administration
- Classification & Types of medication
- Routes into the body
- Maintaining records - MARs
- Prescribing Medication
- Types & Reasons for errors
- Storing & Disposing of medication
- Self-Administration & supporting independence
- Contra indications, allergies and overdoses
- Monitoring Dosage Systems
- Drug Calculations - End of Course Assessment
- Identify relevant legislation
- Understand the 8 R's of medication administration
- Recognise common medication
- Understand the importance of record keeping
- Identify prescribed medication
- Understand common errors that can occur
Upon completion of this Elearning course, a PDF certificate will be available straight away, that can be downloaded and printed for your records. Each course contains multiple-choice questions and interactive exercises that you’ll need to complete in order to show your understanding of the material and pass the course.
Your certificate will be valid for 1 year.

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