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Lone Working (HSG)

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In the UK there is an estimated 8 million lone workers, with 9% of the entire NHS workforce working on their own every day. (Source: PeopleSafe)
Lone working poses distinct risks that may not be as prevalent in workplace environments. Consequently, it becomes essential for to proactively identify these risks and implement effective strategies to address them.
This Lone Working Awareness E-Learning course is tailored to assist healthcare professionals in comprehending the specific hazards associated with working alone. It equips them with practical measures to efficiently recognise, mitigate, and manage these risks.
If you would like to see how our Elearning platform works before purchasing, click on the ‘try before you buy’ button below and you can try a full length Elearning module, completely free of charge!

• What is a Lone Worker?
• Risk Assessments
• Tracing + Buddy Systems
• Personal Safety, Avoidance + Escape
• Community, Home Working + Travel
• Lone Working Plan + Checklists
• Post Incident Support
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Define a lone worker
Assess risks effectively
Use tracing and buddy systems
Improve personal safety
Manage community, home, and travel situations
Create lone working plans and checklists
Offer post-incident support

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